A spice perfumery — Where India meets Provence. Mama Spice brings our 3 culinary passions to life.
- Create — Spice blends by Devaky available online in our Spice Boutique.
- Build — As a food consultant, our blend of culinary passion, business acumen, and regulatory knowledge can play a crucial role in shaping the success of your businesses.
- Coach — A Culinary Incubator to support & teach early—stage entrepreneurs who want to test & validate their product | concept prior to making heavy financial investments to launch their ventures.
Spice boutique: Patrons can purchase the all—natural, ready—to—use spice blends creations by Devaky at our e-Boutique. We cater to both B2C & B2B markets.
- Designed to suit all palates, from epicureans who enjoy good food & drinks, seasoned chefs to novices who love a good meal without spending eternity in their kitchens.
- The perfect gift to offer — Where a bouquet or a fine wine is relished in the moment, Mama Spice is a gift that continues to give. Our blends not only add a thoughtful, personal touch to the art of giving, but also fosters timeless souvenirs.
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